5 Reasons why you should LED retrofit your Taxiway Guidance Signs
In recent years, airfield operators have converted their Taxiway Guidance Signs from inefficient and power consuming halogen and fluorescent lighting technology to LED, using LED Retrofit kits. For those airports that have not yet retrofitted their TGS, we give 5 reasons why not to wait any longer.
Taxiway Guidance Signs at London Stansted Airport (photo courtesy of Stansted Airport)
1. Greater efficiencies
LED lights will consume up to 70% less power than halogen or incandescent lights. These energy efficiencies will give financial benefits in the longer term. Also, the lifetime of LED lights is much longer than traditional lights which gives LED lights a faster return on investment.
2. Environmental friendliness
Lower power consumption means a smaller carbon footprint for your airfield lighting.
3. Increased brightness
Taxiway Guidance Signs are in place to help pilots and maintenance staff navigate their way around the airfield. The brightness and uniformity of LED technology is a big benefit for airports when retrofitting their signs.
4. Now is the time
With airports quiet and aircraft grounded, there is no better time than now to undertake such an upgrade. Retrofitting signs is a quick and easy job that can be done by the airports own service team, taking usually no more than one hour per sign. The electronics are inexpensive in relation to a complete new sign so retrofitting is a relatively cheap way of refurbishing signs.
5. Less maintenance
Typically, TGS require frequent maintenance. LED technology has a higher mean time between failure (MTBF), which means less maintenance. Should any maintenance be required, the replacement of an LED module or electronic driver will take less than five minutes.
TKH Airport Solutions offers a LED Retrofit kit which is proven to be efficient and easy to install. Interested by this article and curious to know more about it? Please read our product page on LED Retrofit kits or read how Stansted Airport has upgraded their TGS to LED.