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22-27 September 2024

CANEW 2024

TKH Airport Solutions will participate in the 27th edition of CANEW, the Canadian Airports National Electrical Workshop, on 22-27 September.

CANEW 2024 will be held in Halifax NS, Canada.

CANEW attracts delegates from across Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia, and China. The CANEW training workshop serves as a forum to discuss issues of national scope, provides specialized airport electrical training, and allows airport technical people from different sites to interact and exchange information of mutual interest.

More information on the event can be found on the CANEW website.

5-9 November 2024


TKH Airport Solutions and JCAII will participate in the 2024 IES Aviation Lighting Committee Technology Meeting, on 27-31 October in Charlotte NC, USA.

IESALC is the largest gathering of dedicated airport lighting professionals, including FAA officials, State Aviation officials, consulting engineers, airport maintenance specialists and airfield lighting equipment manufacturers at the 2024 Fall Technology. Professionals from around the world gather to present information on numerous topics pertaining to airfield lighting.

You can visit us at booth 202 and get more familiar with our latest developments and innovations.

More information on the event can be found on the IESALC website.